Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby G again

He is smart and helpful. It's so cute. He's one but he will use a rag to clean spills (and will mime using a rag when he finds a spill until someone gives him a rag, then he uses it on the spill). He unloads the dishwasher (and sometimes gives me the dishes), and when I say we're done/ready to start the dishwasher, he used to play with the soap tray but now he goes to the undersink cabinet, pulls on the locked door, reaches for the soap when I open the door, and tries to hold the box to pour the soap in the tray. Then he closes the door and sometimes reaches for the settings to turn it on. When I'm doing laundry, he pulls the lint trap out of the dryer, pulls off handfuls of lint, and then puts it back. (He can almost get it in correctly.) If I say "clothes" while doing laundry, he tries to "close" the dryer door. That's one of his favorite jobs. He'll help putting things back in a container if you show him.

He can also climb pretty well--the bathtub, the kid chairs, pulling himself up to chairs at the doctor's office by pure upper body strength, climbing correctly off the bed, etc. He is great at getting caps off markers and pens within seconds. He gives the BEST hugs still.

I'm "mam" and J is "da." He's very clear with signing "milk" (for milk only now), "all done," and pointing to what he wants. He will drink out of anything--anyone's cup, any beverage, will swipe soda cans, rice milk boxes, coconut milk boxes, cups with straws, anything. Just not bottles, LOL. He is very, very clear about what he wants generally. He can run now! This week he started dancing to music, and now if I say, "dance" he starts dancing, even if there's no music playing. He can reach almost anything--if it's on the table or the counter, he can usually figure out a way to get it. He can reach a large percentage of the table from the floor. He can reach the counter from the computer chair or in someone's arms (diving down at what he wants). He also loves sweets.

In other news, I'm doing NaNoWriMo and I'm at 22,282 words right now. Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot the near-obsession with putting lids back on their containers, lol. And then taking them off. And putting them back on.
