Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Prayer fun

So, C said a prayer this morning, and it's hard to hear what she says sometimes, but I caught "Tanks for mama, and dada, and prophet, and Christmas (meaning the Grinch DVD), and Bill Nye."

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yes. Yes, you are.

A, out of the middle of nowhere: I'm brave. I'm brave and very, very awesome.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fighting style

I asked A to get her toy sword & shield. Her response--to stick out her backside and announce "I fight with my BUM!"

I know it's not polite to laugh at your child... but I couldn't help it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

An unusual reveral of roles

A: I think it's time for bed.

Dad: No, I don't want to go to bed.

A: The Office is over; it's time for bed.

Dad, louder: No, it's still light outside! I want to stay up! I don't want to go to bed yet!

A, scowling: You have to go to bed now!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday fun

A: (To C, as C was using the potty) Remember--always watch out for volcanos.

Also, A keeps telling me she can smell caterpillars. So I ask her what caterpillars smell like and her response is always "...caterpillars." Duh, mom.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fun on the phone

C has figured out that you *talk* to people on the phone. And how to find previously dialed numbers and redial them. She called her daddy this morning, talked for a while, hung up, and then grabbed the phone & called him again. I told her to stop so as soon as he answered, C yelled into the phone, "GOO-BYE, DADDY! I WUV YOU!" *click*

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Don't disturb a working 4-year-old.

A (coloring on the recliner, dh and I were talking nearby): You guys are kind of bothering me.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


A decided her name for the day was "Ally" and that she had "a bat, a gnat, and a rat, and I want a cat but it lives at grandma's house."
Of course, of all of those the one we really do own at our house is... a cat.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


C: I don't like ice cream. I like mushy bananas! They so yucky! And mushy! And GOSS! (And, of course, she hates mushy bananas in real life.)

More morning cuteness

C (to Daddy on the phone): Hey you! Hey you! I so happy! I not sad.

Morning cuteness

C (giving me my glasses): You need get up now, dear! You need get up, dear!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More fun

C: I pretending! (while dressed up as a dancer and spinning around)
C: (while helping me make pancakes) Pa-cakes are yummy! De-yicious! It make my tummy HAPPY! (at the top of her lungs)
A: (after reading a book about a scientist who takes lots of microscope images & uses loupes in his field work, after finding out her grandma has a loupe to let A borrow): And we'll go to the park and dig in the dirt and find bugs and look at them and put them in the microscope!!
A: (also after reading the book) I have a booger. Let's put it in the microscope! (running to the microscope with a booger on her finger)

This morning, while we were wrestling/throwing into a pile of blankets on the bed, A: That was a lovely throw! (Applauds for a minute.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Morning fun

Started off the day with C bringing me "Mama, Do You Love Me?" & rubbing my cheeks & telling me she loved me & all that cute stuff.

Then A came in for breakfast saying her farm was full. So I asked her what was in her farm. "Horses, dinosaurs, sheep, and a cow."

And I asked her if she wanted to go exchange her dinosaur books for a microscope book at the library today (current interest), and her answer: "A microscope book? YES! A book about SCIENCE!!!!!"

Of course. Heehee.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A again--it's an A day

Getting ready to play a word game, A: I can't do "F." I'm allergic to "F." I can do "H"--I'm not allergic to "H!" And C (sister) is allergic to "G."

A time

A, putting an orange on the coat hooks and a coat on the scratching post: "I want to keep it here because I'm so funny! I'm so silly! I want to be crazy all day!"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fun with C

C: "Ook at me! Ook at me! I so TUTE! I found pincess dess!" (Translation: "Look at me, look at me. I'm so cute! I found a princess dress!" And then she was running around the room yelling "Howdy, ride 'em cowboy" in her little lisp.)

More sillyiness

A (looking through her microscope): Oh no, the blood!
C (across the room): Oh no, the blood! (being C, it came out "Oh no, da bud!!)

And then A was trying to bargain with me to let her wash the dishes.


A said she didn't know a story, so J asked C to tell a story.
C: There was an alligator, and fish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Recent fun times:

C is 2.5 (and speech delayed) and A is 4.5 for reference, lol.

A: I'l love you FOREVER. (Ok, that one wasn't silly. Just so cute.)

C: (squatting on the recliner) I having a baby! ARRRRRRRR (loud grunt/bearing down)

C: I have baby in my arm. (pointing to one arm). And baby in arm (pointing to other arm).

C: I a little tiny princess!

C also signs "wait, wait" when A is asking to share a drink

We have "Rock Monster," a parody of "Rock Lobster," and A will sing "Rock Monster" on cue with the proper note intro over and over and over and over.

Need a place to get out all the silly things my girls say, lol.

So, I never actually keep up blogs, or update family on things, or keep a journal more than sporadically. So who knows if this will stay up, but the girls keep saying such goofy and cute things I wanted to have it down somewhere. So here we are. As such, I doubt this will be of much public interest, LOL, but I want to get this up for me.