Friday, May 27, 2011


that same evening, he started sitting up on his own, too. GO BABY G!!!!!


Baby G crawled FORWARDS!!! (He's been crawling backwards for about 2 months and was none too happy about that, lol.)

New stuff

Blogger wasn't working for a while. Back now!

AWe ordered a basic dissection kit and let A's scientist side run free. "It's just like SURGERY!!!!" Monday we dissected a huge (11") earthworm and a grasshopper. We found out the grasshopper was female (4 points on the backside). Did you know a grasshopper's heart is just a huge blood vessel running along its back? That was essentially practice for today--Frog Dissection Day. It was a bit odd at first ("What if it was still alive?" and how its tongue was sticking out) but once we got into it (literally), A loved it. She did a lot of the cutting work herself on all three dissections. We found the heart, saw the three chambers, chopped it & saw a septum, found the lungs, chopped one & saw the space for air & the spongy lung structure, found the liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines, etc. We found a mystery round object & removed/bissected it to discover it was the spleen. We found the testes (it's a boy!) and other assorted parts. Baby G was freaking out a lot so eventually I let A play around on her own while I bounced the baby, and she decided to investigate the strong jumping legs. I took a quick video of her starting that part. She found muscles, an artery/vein, and eventually the bone. A also found the webbed feet, explained the purpose of the webbing to C, and worked to remove the webbing. She wanted to see the brain but the skull is a very effective barrier. We did see a large artery/vein (not sure which) on the skull bringing blood to the area, though. There are, of course, pictures. :p

C's only comment was, "Dissect smells gross." She then left.

Quote from A: The scriptures are like a compass, but with words and paper!

A said she never wants to be apart from me (or J) and that when she gets married to Someone, Someone and she would come to get us and we would buy bed (for her 6 kids she plans to have and for all of us grownups) and we would live together. Then she decided that we would live next to each other instead, with a park next to our houses so we could “meet every day” and go to the park together and play with her kids. Awwwwwwww.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


A's caterpillar (Hofer Cookie Millie) died. A mourned for about a minute & then asked if we could cut it open to see what was inside it. Yep. That's A.

J's school is intense this term!!!! He got a 102% on his first Bio test though so all his hard work pays off!

C has a trial gymnastics class next month to see how she likes it. Yay!

A decided we should have 13 kids. Ummmm... probably not, sorry lovey.

A turned vegetarian for about a day. J was getting scared & he finally turned her back to omnivore with some steak. Psh. :p

I might be ADD. That explains A LOT. Trying fish oil treatment for now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Baby G gives me raspberries on my arm now. It's cute.

J found where he put the charger for the camera battery so I can take pics again. Hooray!

We found a caterpillar & are attempting to raise it in our "butterfly habitat" (the kind where you send away the coupon for caterpillars). We'll see how that goes....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh, one last thing

A's favorite words this week are "indeed" and "immediately!"


Things I forgot:
J got his semester grades. 4.0 ftw!!
I *pink sparkly heart* tax returns. Pink. Sparkly. Heart. We have a ton of new organizers now, and some actual decorations on the wall, and a folding spinning wheel is en route. And we got a chest freezer!
I get to pick up my essential oils (DoTerra) on Monday. Hopefully they will help with this nasty combo of croupy cough and allergy season, plus many other things. (I plan to use Mom--hi Mom!--as a guinea pig in August with the frankincense, which helps the central nervous system.)
A friend is learning to do energy work & tried some on baby G. He was SO much happier & more mellow for a week and a half after that. Then it was J's week off school so I kept leaving G with J and heading out on my own a bunch and that totally messed G up. After the fourth time I left in a couple of days, he started freaking out. So, she's going to work on him a bit more later. (And she's free, lol! I love friends.)
Got another bunkbed from another friend, for when baby G is bigger & has a sibling. It will hang out in the storage shed until then.


Sick again.
C loves plain bagels--"from planes--airplanes!"
DoTerra meeting last night. Awesome. Hopefully that will help with the sick thing.