Saturday, October 29, 2011

New stuff

Baby G can RUN now! He's 1, so he's not really "Baby" G anymore, either. He can climb the couch, the bathtub, off the bed, etc. He loves the wooden puzzles with the big knobs, esp his shapes puzzle. He is getting his Tooth the Fourth.

A is flooring me with her mind again. She was pretending to be a mermaid from Mexico this morning, and is explaining to me the differences in tail shape between Mexican and traditional mermaids, and explaining her diet and her interactions with the migratory Monarch butterflies there. I didn’t even know she knew what Mexico was!

Mexican mermaids have tail fins that are positioned almost vertically, while the other mermaids have tail fins that are almost completely horizontal. She provided a physical illustration for me. Monarch butterflies in Mexico swarm to the Mexican mermaids and lift them to the tree branches, but the mermaids fall back to the rivers because they can’t fly.


A also wants to fly to the rainforest and tell people to STOP cutting it down, to "adopt" a Monarch butterfly through the World Wildlife Fund, and to go to Costa Rica and catch a butterfly. We are planning a neighborhood recycling program as a more local way to help the deforestation.

A is learning multiplication and division right now, and enjoying that.

C got her "BOB books" that are all easy, 3-letter words, and she's thrilled that she has books SHE can read ALL BY HERSELF.

I've been doing more temple work, found some names (yay! story later), and got my hair cut finally. I've also been spinning more, and knitting. I'm getting ready for NaNoWriMo next month.

Jeremy is having a stressful time with his English class (rough professor), but the other classes are going well! Registration for new classes are next week.

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