Thursday, June 16, 2011

The girlies having fun

We are looking for a gymnasium for C. We tried one that was not a good fit (mostly playing around to music, very little actual gymnastics or instruction). We do that on our own, lol. C had fun but said it was only a little fun and that she didn't want to go back. She loved one particular part but that seemed to be it. Today we tried a more serious gymnasium, a full hour of actual gymnastics instruction, geared to kids her age but expecting them to do it. She did fabulously and loved it. Her favorite was "everything" and she wants to go back. It is a competitive gym so it looks a bit intimidating at the higher levels. I also want to try another gym before we decide, but she did very well today.

A watched surgery (real) for 1.5 hours yesterday! She loves her science. She also is working on her art. For geography she turned a picture of a honeybee into a cutout puppet on a stick with toilet paper wings for the proper texture/color. Today she made a dragonfly in 3-D. She put a pipe cleaner through a long straw for the body and tail (the bent end), made two pipe cleaner legs in the back and 4 on the front, and made two large wings of blue pipe cleaners (two per wing) with yellow pipe cleaner stripes (so it has "yellow and clear striped wings"). Awesome!!

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