Saturday, May 7, 2011


Things I forgot:
J got his semester grades. 4.0 ftw!!
I *pink sparkly heart* tax returns. Pink. Sparkly. Heart. We have a ton of new organizers now, and some actual decorations on the wall, and a folding spinning wheel is en route. And we got a chest freezer!
I get to pick up my essential oils (DoTerra) on Monday. Hopefully they will help with this nasty combo of croupy cough and allergy season, plus many other things. (I plan to use Mom--hi Mom!--as a guinea pig in August with the frankincense, which helps the central nervous system.)
A friend is learning to do energy work & tried some on baby G. He was SO much happier & more mellow for a week and a half after that. Then it was J's week off school so I kept leaving G with J and heading out on my own a bunch and that totally messed G up. After the fourth time I left in a couple of days, he started freaking out. So, she's going to work on him a bit more later. (And she's free, lol! I love friends.)
Got another bunkbed from another friend, for when baby G is bigger & has a sibling. It will hang out in the storage shed until then.

1 comment:

  1. Guinea pig, eh?! lol I'm game! Lookin' forward to it!
