Right now. March 22. Snow falling like crazy.
I just got over what looks like strep. I am not quite 100% yet but I should be in a day or two. Or three. Blech. I'm SO glad to "not be just laying on the brown chair all day not moving," as A put it. I kind of ruined J's spring break with all of that. :(
The girls learned about snakes & armadillos as preschool today, so they are playing armadillo roll into a ball when a predator comes, and they already played rattlesnake rattling in warning to make me run away to a safe distance, and armadillo eating ants with a long (straw) tongue. Good times! I love their preschool.
I turned in A's paperwork for her charter school. Hooray!! It's near a park so I'm already making plans for weekly park trips on the way home from school & park time with C after dropping A off, etc. The school is also in horse territory so that will be fun to see.
G is trying to crawl. As of two days ago he's no longer just pushing up on his arms & looking around but instead he's madly thrashing around with his arms & legs, acting rather desperate to GO somewhere. It's so cute.
J's younger brother got us... oh, something I can't say quite yet because it's part of a Hofer surprise... thing... but we love it. Love! More on that later.
Jeremy's step-sister had her baby!! Yay!
It's always fun to read of the continuing adventures in Orem.