Saturday, May 1, 2010

Recent fun times:

C is 2.5 (and speech delayed) and A is 4.5 for reference, lol.

A: I'l love you FOREVER. (Ok, that one wasn't silly. Just so cute.)

C: (squatting on the recliner) I having a baby! ARRRRRRRR (loud grunt/bearing down)

C: I have baby in my arm. (pointing to one arm). And baby in arm (pointing to other arm).

C: I a little tiny princess!

C also signs "wait, wait" when A is asking to share a drink

We have "Rock Monster," a parody of "Rock Lobster," and A will sing "Rock Monster" on cue with the proper note intro over and over and over and over.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Chloe she's a little princess who'll have to wait 'til she's married--but it's good to PRACTICE labor and delivery now and then, lol!
