I asked A to get her toy sword & shield. Her response--to stick out her backside and announce "I fight with my BUM!"
I know it's not polite to laugh at your child... but I couldn't help it.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
An unusual reveral of roles
A: I think it's time for bed.
Dad: No, I don't want to go to bed.
A: The Office is over; it's time for bed.
Dad, louder: No, it's still light outside! I want to stay up! I don't want to go to bed yet!
A, scowling: You have to go to bed now!!
Dad: No, I don't want to go to bed.
A: The Office is over; it's time for bed.
Dad, louder: No, it's still light outside! I want to stay up! I don't want to go to bed yet!
A, scowling: You have to go to bed now!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday fun
A: (To C, as C was using the potty) Remember--always watch out for volcanos.
Also, A keeps telling me she can smell caterpillars. So I ask her what caterpillars smell like and her response is always "...caterpillars." Duh, mom.
Also, A keeps telling me she can smell caterpillars. So I ask her what caterpillars smell like and her response is always "...caterpillars." Duh, mom.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Fun on the phone
C has figured out that you *talk* to people on the phone. And how to find previously dialed numbers and redial them. She called her daddy this morning, talked for a while, hung up, and then grabbed the phone & called him again. I told her to stop so as soon as he answered, C yelled into the phone, "GOO-BYE, DADDY! I WUV YOU!" *click*
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Don't disturb a working 4-year-old.
A (coloring on the recliner, dh and I were talking nearby): You guys are kind of bothering me.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A decided her name for the day was "Ally" and that she had "a bat, a gnat, and a rat, and I want a cat but it lives at grandma's house."
Of course, of all of those the one we really do own at our house is... a cat.
Of course, of all of those the one we really do own at our house is... a cat.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
C: I don't like ice cream. I like mushy bananas! They so yucky! And mushy! And GOSS! (And, of course, she hates mushy bananas in real life.)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
More fun
C: I pretending! (while dressed up as a dancer and spinning around)
C: (while helping me make pancakes) Pa-cakes are yummy! De-yicious! It make my tummy HAPPY! (at the top of her lungs)
A: (after reading a book about a scientist who takes lots of microscope images & uses loupes in his field work, after finding out her grandma has a loupe to let A borrow): And we'll go to the park and dig in the dirt and find bugs and look at them and put them in the microscope!!
A: (also after reading the book) I have a booger. Let's put it in the microscope! (running to the microscope with a booger on her finger)
This morning, while we were wrestling/throwing into a pile of blankets on the bed, A: That was a lovely throw! (Applauds for a minute.)
C: (while helping me make pancakes) Pa-cakes are yummy! De-yicious! It make my tummy HAPPY! (at the top of her lungs)
A: (after reading a book about a scientist who takes lots of microscope images & uses loupes in his field work, after finding out her grandma has a loupe to let A borrow): And we'll go to the park and dig in the dirt and find bugs and look at them and put them in the microscope!!
A: (also after reading the book) I have a booger. Let's put it in the microscope! (running to the microscope with a booger on her finger)
This morning, while we were wrestling/throwing into a pile of blankets on the bed, A: That was a lovely throw! (Applauds for a minute.)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Morning fun
Started off the day with C bringing me "Mama, Do You Love Me?" & rubbing my cheeks & telling me she loved me & all that cute stuff.
Then A came in for breakfast saying her farm was full. So I asked her what was in her farm. "Horses, dinosaurs, sheep, and a cow."
And I asked her if she wanted to go exchange her dinosaur books for a microscope book at the library today (current interest), and her answer: "A microscope book? YES! A book about SCIENCE!!!!!"
Of course. Heehee.
Then A came in for breakfast saying her farm was full. So I asked her what was in her farm. "Horses, dinosaurs, sheep, and a cow."
And I asked her if she wanted to go exchange her dinosaur books for a microscope book at the library today (current interest), and her answer: "A microscope book? YES! A book about SCIENCE!!!!!"
Of course. Heehee.
Monday, May 3, 2010
A again--it's an A day
Getting ready to play a word game, A: I can't do "F." I'm allergic to "F." I can do "H"--I'm not allergic to "H!" And C (sister) is allergic to "G."
A time
A, putting an orange on the coat hooks and a coat on the scratching post: "I want to keep it here because I'm so funny! I'm so silly! I want to be crazy all day!"
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Fun with C
C: "Ook at me! Ook at me! I so TUTE! I found pincess dess!" (Translation: "Look at me, look at me. I'm so cute! I found a princess dress!" And then she was running around the room yelling "Howdy, ride 'em cowboy" in her little lisp.)
More sillyiness
A (looking through her microscope): Oh no, the blood!
C (across the room): Oh no, the blood! (being C, it came out "Oh no, da bud!!)
And then A was trying to bargain with me to let her wash the dishes.
C (across the room): Oh no, the blood! (being C, it came out "Oh no, da bud!!)
And then A was trying to bargain with me to let her wash the dishes.
A said she didn't know a story, so J asked C to tell a story.
C: There was an alligator, and fish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish!
C: There was an alligator, and fish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish, and starfish!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Recent fun times:
C is 2.5 (and speech delayed) and A is 4.5 for reference, lol.
A: I'l love you FOREVER. (Ok, that one wasn't silly. Just so cute.)
C: (squatting on the recliner) I having a baby! ARRRRRRRR (loud grunt/bearing down)
C: I have baby in my arm. (pointing to one arm). And baby in arm (pointing to other arm).
C: I a little tiny princess!
C also signs "wait, wait" when A is asking to share a drink
We have "Rock Monster," a parody of "Rock Lobster," and A will sing "Rock Monster" on cue with the proper note intro over and over and over and over.
C is 2.5 (and speech delayed) and A is 4.5 for reference, lol.
A: I'l love you FOREVER. (Ok, that one wasn't silly. Just so cute.)
C: (squatting on the recliner) I having a baby! ARRRRRRRR (loud grunt/bearing down)
C: I have baby in my arm. (pointing to one arm). And baby in arm (pointing to other arm).
C: I a little tiny princess!
C also signs "wait, wait" when A is asking to share a drink
We have "Rock Monster," a parody of "Rock Lobster," and A will sing "Rock Monster" on cue with the proper note intro over and over and over and over.
Need a place to get out all the silly things my girls say, lol.
So, I never actually keep up blogs, or update family on things, or keep a journal more than sporadically. So who knows if this will stay up, but the girls keep saying such goofy and cute things I wanted to have it down somewhere. So here we are. As such, I doubt this will be of much public interest, LOL, but I want to get this up for me.
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