Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baby G

Before I forget, I want to write a few little things about baby G. He will be a year soon and won't be doing all of these.

I love how when he smiles, his cheekbones sail up, his eyes crinkle into quarter-moons, his whole mouth opens in a giant grin and he just glows. His eyes sparkle, I swear!

When he is happy, he sits up, bounces once, throws his arms in the air, leans forwards and lands with his hands SLAM on the ground, and crawls forwards with is head wiggling back & forth and his bum swishing around behind him as he crawls as fast as he can, giggling.

His hair goes into a natural faux mohawk whenever he gets a bath.

Right now he is doing a lot of walking sideways, like he used to along the walls/couch, but across the floor. It looks like he's dancing, and sometimes he goes in circles sideways.

He loves to tip over containers, put things back in containers (esp crayons), eat crayons, play with pots/pans/utensils, turn book pages, and draw (as best as he can).

Thursday, September 22, 2011


It's been waaaaay too long. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

1) Charter school did NOT work out well with A. Long story, the school psychologist never really even entered the picture (tried to contact for two months, still never got name/schedule/phone number/email, no response to email-forwarded-to-office-manager, etc), A was bored out of her sweet little mind and starting to detest school, etc. J actually told me to go pull her out, and he is one who wanted her in a school, any school! So we are in a homeschooling charter school now--weird, huh? They pay for a part of your homeschooling materials, and A goes there one full day a week for fine arts classes. They also do the sorts of things you associate with 1st grade (she's in 1st there--they had less hoops to jump through, lol)--catch and observe praying mantises and a grasshopper, have a class rabbit to feed carrots, eat snack & lunch outside on the grass, etc.

Baby G decided crawling was lots of fun, but walking is where it's at now. This week he's been testing out walking short distances on his own more often, even more yesterday, and today he decided it was FUN. He was walking from chair to counter, chair to chair, table to chair, halfway across the kitchen (he celebrated with giggly victory laps crawling), halfway across the kitchen again, etc, etc. He can also crouch down or lean over and then stand back up.

C is back in her preschool plus doing some homeschool. She loves both, and her preschool teacher loves her to pieces. She wanted to learn about earthquakes so we did that last week, along with volcanoes. This week we all learned about maps and directions, followed a map to deliver birthday invitations, and made a map of our house. (Both of the girls--they do the fun stuff together.)

The girls are a year older! Hooray! Their party is Saturday. I hope I find the camera charger before Saturday. It is lost agaaaaaaaain.

We saw Bill Nye. Squeeeeeee!!!!! We heard him speak, answer questions, met him, and got pictures taken with him. He is just like you'd expect from his show--funny plus hard science, for over an hour. It was awesome. He's currently big on global warming, personal ways to go green, and space exploration/studies. Also sundials... (long story).